Complete Stories of Robert Bloch
First Published: 1990 (vol 1 and 2); 1991 (vol 3) Publisher: Citadel Twilight Format: Three-volume paperback reproductions of the ‘Selected Stories of Robert Bloch’ set. |
Bloch: “In 1987 almost a hundred [stories] were assembled in three volumes as The Selected Stories of Robert Bloch. Another publisher reprinted the trilogy in paperback and—without my prior knowledge or consent—altered the title to read Complete instead of Selected. This was far from true…” (Intro to The Early Fears)
Contents: Please see the Selected Stories of Robert Bloch page.
Contents: Please see the Selected Stories of Robert Bloch page.
Vol 1: US: Citadel Twilight; pb 1990
Vol 2: US: Citadel Twilight; pb 1990
Vol 3: US: Citadel Twilight; pb 1991
Vol 2: US: Citadel Twilight; pb 1990
Vol 3: US: Citadel Twilight; pb 1991