Summary: Elmer Klopp is a painfully normal sophomore at University. He has no family or friends, is a failure at sports, and has a non-existent sex life. While seeking feminine companionship, Elmer is tricked into entering a Psychopathfinder, an invention designed to cure the mental aberrations of its subjects by allowing them to change things with their minds. Will Elmer be cured? And if he is, will he survive the treatment?
Bloch: There is little to nothing to be found on Bloch speaking about It's All in Your Mind.
Bloch: There is little to nothing to be found on Bloch speaking about It's All in Your Mind.
- Originally published as "The Big Binge" in the July 1955 issue of Imaginative Tales.
- The cover of Curtis Books' paperback is misleading, giving the impression of perhaps some gothic horror story contained within; the tale is, in fact, a comedic fantasy.
US: Curtis Books; pb 1971