Journey to the Unknown
Summary: British anthology television series produced by Hammer Film Productions and Twentieth Century-Fox. Airing in the United States 1968-1969, the series presented stories of fantasy, science fiction, horror and the supernatural.
Bloch: “Now that the Hitchcock show jogged along only in reruns, Joan Harrison was about to produce Journey to the Unknown, a joint venture of Hammer Films and Twentieth Century-Fox. In a moment of folly and madness she asked me to join the team in London and do a couple of scrips for the new anthology series.” |
- The Indian Spirit Guide (Episode 3; airdate: Oct 10, 1968); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- Girl of My Dreams (Episode 9; Dec 5, 1968); teleplay by Bloch and Michael J. Bird based on the short story by Richard Matheson.