Summary: Lori Holmes’ life shattered when her parents perish in a home fire. Found among the charred ruins, hidden away in a locked metal box, is a decades-old college yearbook containing a photograph of an unknown woman named Priscilla—but whose face is that of Lori. Lori grapples with an unseen menace murdering the people who could lead her to the truth—and she may be next.
Bloch: “Lori came about through the suggestion of an old friend/writer, Frank M. Robinson, who sent me two clippings about a brain-dead woman being kept on life-support until her child was delivered. He said he felt there was a story in this, but that I’d probably be better-equipped to write it.”—The Robert Bloch Companion
Bloch: “Lori came about through the suggestion of an old friend/writer, Frank M. Robinson, who sent me two clippings about a brain-dead woman being kept on life-support until her child was delivered. He said he felt there was a story in this, but that I’d probably be better-equipped to write it.”—The Robert Bloch Companion
US: Tor Books; hc 1989
Italy: Mondadori ("L'incubo di Lori"); pb 1990
France Presses Pocket; pb 1990
US: Tor Books; pb 1990
Spain: Plaza Y Janes; pb 1991
Germany: Diogenes; pb 1992
US: Idea & Design Works; pb 2009
Italy: Mondadori ("L'incubo di Lori"); pb 1990
France Presses Pocket; pb 1990
US: Tor Books; pb 1990
Spain: Plaza Y Janes; pb 1991
Germany: Diogenes; pb 1992
US: Idea & Design Works; pb 2009