Summary: Norman Bates is dead. The residents of his hometown, Fairvale, eager to forget the man and his gruesome legacy, are horrified when a businessman plans to open a Bates-themed tourist attraction—complete with a detailed recreation of both the Bates house and motel. And old sins cast long shadows when a teenager’s body, found stabbed to death in the front hall of the rebuilt Bates house, triggers a new series of brutal slayings, causing the town of Fairvale to relive the terrors they fought so hard to bury.
Bloch: “Having severed ties with Jack the Ripper in my previous novel, it was now advisable to cut loose from Norman Bates. It was difficult to let this generous gentleman go—after all, the man had showered me with many blessings over the years—but the time had come.”
“Psycho House has its moments, because the subject matter requires that degree of mayhem. It carries on the Bates saga to what I feel is a logical conclusion, and I enjoyed my return visit to the old hometown: Fairvale’s leading citizen certainly made his mark there.”—Robert Bloch Companion
Note: the cinematic Psycho III (nor any subsequent Psycho sequel, prequel, or reboot) is based on this novel.
Bloch: “Having severed ties with Jack the Ripper in my previous novel, it was now advisable to cut loose from Norman Bates. It was difficult to let this generous gentleman go—after all, the man had showered me with many blessings over the years—but the time had come.”
“Psycho House has its moments, because the subject matter requires that degree of mayhem. It carries on the Bates saga to what I feel is a logical conclusion, and I enjoyed my return visit to the old hometown: Fairvale’s leading citizen certainly made his mark there.”—Robert Bloch Companion
Note: the cinematic Psycho III (nor any subsequent Psycho sequel, prequel, or reboot) is based on this novel.
US: Tor Books; hc 1990
US: Tor Books: pb 1991
France: Encrage ("Psychose 13"); pb 1990
France: Presses Pocket ("Psychose 13"); pb 1990
Germany: Bastei Lübbe ("Psycho-Haus"); pb 1992
Germany: Bastei Lübbe ("Die Psychofalle"); pb 1992
US: Sunset Productions ("Psycho III"); audio 1992
US: Wings (Three Complete Novels); omnibus hc 1993
UK: Robert Hale; hc 1995
US: iBooks; pb 2003
Russia: Azbuka-klassika ("Dom Psikhopata"); pb 2009
Spain: La Factoria de Ideas ("La Mansion Bates - Psicosis III"); pb 2011
US: Blackstone Audio; audio 2012
Spain: La Factoría de Ideas ("La Mansion Bates - Psicosis III"); eBook 2013
India: Adi Prakashan ("Psycho 3"); hc 2017
US: Blackstone; audio 2018
Ukraine: НК ("Psychopath's House"); hc 2022
US: Tor Books: pb 1991
France: Encrage ("Psychose 13"); pb 1990
France: Presses Pocket ("Psychose 13"); pb 1990
Germany: Bastei Lübbe ("Psycho-Haus"); pb 1992
Germany: Bastei Lübbe ("Die Psychofalle"); pb 1992
US: Sunset Productions ("Psycho III"); audio 1992
US: Wings (Three Complete Novels); omnibus hc 1993
UK: Robert Hale; hc 1995
US: iBooks; pb 2003
Russia: Azbuka-klassika ("Dom Psikhopata"); pb 2009
Spain: La Factoria de Ideas ("La Mansion Bates - Psicosis III"); pb 2011
US: Blackstone Audio; audio 2012
Spain: La Factoría de Ideas ("La Mansion Bates - Psicosis III"); eBook 2013
India: Adi Prakashan ("Psycho 3"); hc 2017
US: Blackstone; audio 2018
Ukraine: НК ("Psychopath's House"); hc 2022