Summary: Eddie Haines, dejected from his failure to make it ‘big’ in Hollywood, readily accepts the mysterious “Professor” Otto’s offer for fame, success, and money “beyond your dreams.” After months of intense study and tutelage under the Professor, Eddie adopts a new identity—that of Judson Roberts, a respected and sought-after psychologist. Together, “Judson” and the Professor collect secrets from wealthy clients for the purpose of blackmail. The lucrative scheme works to perfection until a time when Eddie wants out—but cannot, due to evidence the Professor possesses that can frame Eddie for murder. The increasingly strained relationship builds to a final, explosive confrontation.
Bloch: There is little to nothing to be found on Bloch speaking about Spiderweb other than a brief mention in his autobiography that the book was a revised and expanded edition of a previous unsuccessful attempt at a novel; additionally, the admission to author Randall Larson in a personal letter to Web being a “bad book.”—Starmont Reader’s Guide, p.71.
Note: Published bound with the novel The Corpse in My Bed by David Alexander.
Bloch: There is little to nothing to be found on Bloch speaking about Spiderweb other than a brief mention in his autobiography that the book was a revised and expanded edition of a previous unsuccessful attempt at a novel; additionally, the admission to author Randall Larson in a personal letter to Web being a “bad book.”—Starmont Reader’s Guide, p.71.
Note: Published bound with the novel The Corpse in My Bed by David Alexander.
US: Ace Books (w/The Corpse in My Bed by David Alexander); omnibus pb 1954
France: Gallimard ("La proie de L'araignée"); pb 1993
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star); omnibus pb 2008
Germany: Rotbuch ("Werkzeug des Teufels"); pb 2010
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star); omnibus eBook 2011
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star) omnibus pb 2011
France: Gallimard ("La proie de L'araignée"); pb 1993
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star); omnibus pb 2008
Germany: Rotbuch ("Werkzeug des Teufels"); pb 2010
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star); omnibus eBook 2011
US: Hard Case Crime (w/Shooting Star) omnibus pb 2011