Star Trek
Summary: Gene Roddenberry’s seminal science fiction series which introduced Captain James T. Kirk, First Officer Spock and the remainder of the U.S.S. Enterprise crew, who explored the universe vowing to “boldly go where no man has gone before.”
Bloch: “In its initial season I came up with two [episodes], and then did a third. “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” and “Catspaw” were light-weight, tongue-in-space efforts. “Wolf in the Fold” was the result of Dorothy Fontana’s suggestion that I launch my old friend Jack the Ripper into orbit.” |
Episodes (all of the following are original teleplays by Bloch):
- What Are Little Girls Made Of? (Season 1, episode 7; airdate Oct 20, 1966)
- Catspaw (Season 2, episode 7; airdate Oct 27, 1967)
- Wolf in the Fold (Season 2, episode 14; airdate Dec 22, 1967)