Summary: Anthology series hosted by Boris Karloff. Airing 1960-1962, each hour-long episode presented stories involving a mix of horror tales and suspense thrillers. (AKA Boris Karloff’s Thriller.)
Bloch: “Thriller offered a close approximation of ideal working conditions. For one thing, there was a wider choice of material than other shows allowed: Hitchcock would use nothing supernatural or science-fictional, while “Twilight Zone” used nothing else. On “Thriller” I had the opportunity to vary my work, just as I did for publication purposes.” |
- The Cheaters (Season 1, episode 15; airdate Dec 27, 1960); teleplay by Donald Sanford based on Bloch’s short story.
- The Hungry Glass (Season 1, episode 16; airdate Jan 3, 1961); teleplay by Douglas Heyes based on Bloch’s short story.
- Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper (Season 1, episode 28; airdate Apr 11, 1961); teleplay by Barre Lyndon based on Bloch’s short story.
- The Devil’s Ticket (Season 1, episode 29; airdate Apr 18, 1961); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- A Good Imagination (Season 1, episode 31; airdate May 2, 1961); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- The Grim Reaper (Season 1, episode 37; airdate Jun 13, 1961); teleplay by Bloch from a short story by Harold Lawlor.
- The Weird Tailor (Season 2, episode 4; airdate Oct 16, 1961); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- Waxworks (Season 2, episode 16; airdate Jan 8, 1962); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- ‘Til Death Do Us Part (Season 2, episode 24; airdate Mar 12, 1962); teleplay by Bloch based on his short story.
- Man of Mystery (Season 2, episode 27; airdate Apr 2, 1962); an original teleplay by Bloch.